SOLSC Classroom Challenge

Food For Slicing- Classroom Slice of Life

Classroom Slice of Life challenge takers are closing in on the final day of April and the completioin of their challenge. I know from past experiences that those last few posts can be elusive. Please consider leaving some comments for the younger slicers in this community. You can find many of them here, and I'm sure they'd appreciate all the encouragement they can get!


Four Obstacles That Bog Down Writing Conferences (and Strategies for Overcoming Them)

As I’ve learned and grown in both teaching and coaching, I’ve discovered several things that bog down my conferences–and learned some easy-to-implement strategies for each to make conferring run more smoothly.

Author Spotlight Series · character development · picture book

Where the Writer Ends and the Character Begins 

Craig Barr-Green likes to see how a writer creates unbearable tension and resolves it. Like Gina, he sometimes experiences sensory overload, and like Gina he can deal with it by jumping into a book.

Author Spotlight Series · professional books

How Do I Fit It All In? Reflecting on Writing Beyond February 

Dawnavyn James writes, "I thought that if this was going to be my only opportunity to share the importance and benefits of Black history in the elementary classroom, I had to be strategic. I had to be purposeful. I had to choose, which was very hard for me to do."