academic choice · back to school · character development · choice · classroom environment · community · morning meeting activity · responsive classroom · writing workshop

3 Steps to Building A Learning Community: Vision. Intention. Purpose.

The young writers sitting in our classroom will rise above the fears and struggles of being a writer, but it will take intentional planning, repetitive teaching, daily writing, and reteaching. Writing is hard work. Students don't become writers because we have writing workshop. Writers become writers because teachers have clear intentions and a vision of what's possible.

morning meeting activity · morning meeting greeting · morning meeting share · news and announcements · responsive classroom

Morning Meeting Ideas + a Giveaway

Several years ago, I took a graduate course entitled "Literature for Older Children" with Kathy Brody, who was a former classroom teacher.  Brody, who was trained in the Responsive Classroom approach, wanted to share her passion for Responsive Classroom with her graduate students.  Therefore, she taught us about one of the most important pillars of… Continue reading Morning Meeting Ideas + a Giveaway

morning meeting activity · technology

Lessons from Apple’s Visionary

There are three tech tools I acquired when I was in the classroom that changed the way I taught.  The first is a document camera, which allowed me to write “live” in front of my students.  The second item is an LCD projector because longtime readers of this blog might remember that a 26” television… Continue reading Lessons from Apple’s Visionary

morning meeting activity · responsive classroom

Marching to the Music: A Great Way to Review Content & Have Some Fun

I'm introducing a bunch of new games to my students this week during Morning Meeting. I got all of them from 99 Activities and Greetings: Great for Morning Meeting... and other meetings, too! by Melissa Correa-Connolly. One of the ones I found in Correa-Connolly's Book is called "Milling to the Music," which is a great… Continue reading Marching to the Music: A Great Way to Review Content & Have Some Fun

morning meeting activity · responsive classroom · slice of life · Slice of Life Story Challenge

Stacey’s Slice of Life: Day 11

It's Morning Meeting. A few minutes past 9 a.m. We've already had a successful group juggle with 14 kooshes and other items. One students has shared and took questions and comments. It's time for our activity, which is the HUMAN KNOT. As soon as the students hear the words "Human Knot," most cheer audibly, while… Continue reading Stacey’s Slice of Life: Day 11