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How the Finns Create a Sense of Community in Their Schools

How do we compare a country with a fairly homogeneous population of five and a half million people, with less than 5% of the population in poverty, to the United States? Well, forty years ago, when Finland was overhauling their education system and studying models from other countries, they could have followed our lead and jumped on our No Child Left Behind bandwagon, eventually moving to high-stakes testing and teacher assessment as a means to improve education.

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The Fun of Hard Work: A Guest Blog Post by Jen Munnerlyn

Jen Munnerlyn is a teacher, literacy coach, and international educator. Her family has been working in international education for 30 years beginning with her parents first overseas teaching assignment in American Samoa in 1980.  She is married to a man she met in 8th grade at International School of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and has her… Continue reading The Fun of Hard Work: A Guest Blog Post by Jen Munnerlyn