end of year reflection · figurative language · plan book · poetry · writer's notebook · writing prompts · writing workshop

Before You Go…

It's that time of year when we start to think about all the things we didn't get to do with our students! Here are five writing exercises I am going to make sure students don't leave without!

figurative language · mentor texts · social studies

Writing About Historic Events, People, or Places

Pennsylvania-based author Linda Oatman High led a session entitled "Writing to the Beat of a Different Drummer" at the KSRA Conference I attended this week.  (My handwritten notes from her session, which provided an array of ideas for getting students to write, are located at the bottom of this post in a Scribd Document.) Oatman… Continue reading Writing About Historic Events, People, or Places

conferring · figurative language · poetry · writing · writing workshop

Teaching Figurative Language with Mentor Poems

I was conferring with one of my students in Writing Workshop yesterday and quickly found, as I researched, my compliment (meaningful line breaks while drafting) and teaching point (using figurative language, specifically similes). I started to demonstrate what similes were by reviewing the concept of comparing two things with the words like or as. However,… Continue reading Teaching Figurative Language with Mentor Poems