Slice of Life Story Challenge · writing workshop

The Welcome Wagon Needs You! Second Call for Volunteers

Camila, a kindergartner, returned to her fictional book about a dinosaur and butterfly day after day, adding a bit more detail to each picture, stretching through more sounds in each word. The kind of dedicated revision and editing Camila was displaying is not the norm for early writers. So, when Camila came to me, book in tow, proclaiming, “I’m done!” I knew her effort was worth celebrating.

I was surprised when Camila, who is not typically reserved, did not want to read her book to the class. “I’m too scared,” Camila said. “Reading our writing can be scary. I really think this book deserves to be read, though. Would it be okay if I read your book to the class?” I asked. Camila nodded.

Camila squirmed at the back of the rug while I read her book. When it was over, hands, sprang up around the rug. “I love your book, Camila!” “How did you draw dinosaurs like that?” “What is the butterfly doing on that page?” “You wrote sentences!” “Can I give you a little tip about your talking bubbles?” Camila’s demeanor went from nervous to proud. Beaming, she joined me on the bench and began calling on friends.

We can relate to Camila. Whether you’ve ever hit the “publish” button, been asked to read your writing to a classroom of peers, or sent an email that you’ve crafted particularly carefully, the moments between sharing your words and waiting for a response seem to last forever.

For Camila, the genuine interest and response shown from readers made all the difference in the kind of writer she was and is now (the kind who avidly writes and shares her work). For new Slicers who participate in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge (SOLSC), the genuine interest and response from Welcome Wagon volunteers can make the same difference.

As Kathleen stated earlier in January,

“If you didn’t know, during the March SOLSC, the Slicers who faithfully read and respond to new bloggers are part of the Welcome Wagon. The Welcome Wagon is a team of volunteers who have previously been part of the SOLSC in March. These volunteers sign up to support the new Slicers. This means reading each post the new Slicer writes and responding daily during the month of March. It is generous and kind to be part of the Welcome Wagon and it makes such a difference to our new bloggers.”

We’re so excited to have an incredible group of Slicers who have already made the commitment (thank you!) to join the Welcome Wagon, and are currently seeking more volunteers, given the large number of new Slicers that join in each year. Volunteers will read and comment on 5-7 new Slicers’ blog posts each day in the month of March.

If you have not done so already, and you would like to be part of the Welcome Wagon, please fill out this form. Only the co-authors will have access to your information. Thank you, in advance, for your dedication and generosity to this community of writers!

We send more information to volunteers in February.