Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series

ICYMI: Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward

Today marks the end of the May blog series, Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward. Did you miss a post in this series? I've got you covered! Read on for links to all the posts in the series and the announcement of our giveaway for The Responsive Writing Teacher!

At-Home Learning · choice · family · handwriting · Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series · spelling · stamina · volume

Family Resources for At-Home Learning: Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward

This post is a look back at the resources I created to support families with at-home learning throughout the pandemic, and some ideas for supporting families in the future.

content-area writing · Distance Learning · kindergarten · Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series · writing workshop

Cross-Content Connections: Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward

A topsy turvy year brings with it surprises. Some have been valuable enough to carry forward. I'm looking forward to bringing the best of the year with me and letting the challenges become a memory.

agency · feedback · Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series

Leveraging Technology to Amp up Feedback for Writers: Reflections and Shifts as we Move Forward

In this topsy-turvy year, when I was not expecting to teach a remote kindergarten class, I was also not expecting to discover strategies for upping my feedback game with writers—strategies that I plan to continue using once the world has righted itself and workshop is in-person again.

conferring · Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series

Improved Conferences: Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward

As the 2020-21 school year progressed, some teachers reported improved one-to-one conferences when they were conducted through a screen. As students and teachers became more comfortable sharing their screens and recording videos, virtual conferences felt more natural. There are some aspects of virtual writing conferences that can be carried forward once everyone is back to school in-person 100% of the time and/or the masks get to come off indefinitely.

back to school · Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series · writing workshop

Putting Social Emotional Learning in All We Do: Reflections and Shifts Moving Forward

The research is pretty detailed and consistent that the relationship between teacher and student matters a great deal. It affects their sense of belonging, their relationships with peers, and affects their learning.

Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward Blog Series

Reflections and Shifts As We Move Forward: A Blog Series

This week, our team at Two Writing Teachers plans to pause to reflect on this unusual school year, and share our thoughts on what we experienced and what shifts in our work we hope to see going forward.Â