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Action Steps and Takeaways From Spring TWT Posts

In my neck of the woods, it is (blissfully) Spring Break this week. Spring Break means slower mornings, second cups of coffee, mid-afternoon snoozes with my puppy, organizing, and finally catching up on all the things I’ve been meaning to do….including reading posts from my TWT co-authors. During the March SOLSC, the allotted time I had each day for reading gave way to writing daily blog posts and reading and commenting on other Slicers’ posts. Then, the end of March brought the state ELA assessments, the start of the Classroom SOLSC, events for my children, and well, life! I’ve fallen behind in reading the valuable and insightful posts my fellow TWT co-authors have shared. I thought there was a chance you, too, might have missed some posts in the craziness that was March SOLSC and in the busy weeks after. 

For this post, I’m sharing the TWT posts that have been published from March 1- April 18 (excluding, of course, the call for slices each day in March, the weekly SOL posts and my Classroom SOLSC posts). For each post, I’m sharing my takeaway and possible actions steps to try with my students. If you’ve missed any of these insightful, helpful posts, please take some time to check them out! Share your action steps and takeaways in the comments!

I hope you enjoy visiting or revisiting these fabulous posts from my co-authors here at TWT. I have my list of things to try, books to order, and attitudes to adopt. What resonated with you from these posts? What action steps or takeaways do you have to share? Please let us know in the comments!

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