memories · September 11th · september 11th tribute

A Day of Rememberance

Yesterday I read The Man Who Walked Between the Towers to my class. They were dazzled and amazed by Petit's Walk. I briefly answered questions about September 11th, 2001 since the book does mention that the Towers no longer exist. Today, I will read Fireboat and talk about heroism. Teaching about September 11th, 2001 is… Continue reading A Day of Rememberance

September 11th · september 11th tribute · wn entry

ruth’s wn entry: september 11

As I was getting dressed this morning, wearing red, white, & blue in honor of September 11 and placing my flag pin on my shirt, I thought I want to write an entry about today and compare it to the entries I've made for the past six years about September 11.  As often happens, when… Continue reading ruth’s wn entry: september 11

reflections · September 11th · september 11th tribute · wn entry

Stacey’s WN Entry: September 11th

Today is September 11th. My heart aches to be back in the City that I stood in on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. I will never forget the words, "A plane flew into the World Trade Center," as I sat at a job interview at a beauty and fashion headhunter. (Remember, this was six years ago...… Continue reading Stacey’s WN Entry: September 11th