writing workshop

Friday Favorites

It seems like so long since I’ve sat beside Andy, a baseball game on the tv and my computer open on my lap. I came home from All-Write 2013 and after hello said, I have to write a blog post.

He laughed.

Nevertheless, this is going to be a Fast Friday Favorites. You’ll find some of the stories behind the photos next week on Ruth Ayres Writes. Until then, here are some favorites…

speaker gifts 2013

photo 3 photo 1 photo 2

in a session

I hope you find some time to put some words down on the page this weekend. Happy writing!

9 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Looking at your pictures bring so many memories right back to me. Thank you for being so gracious Thursday night at dinner. Our conversations were a highlight of my All Write experience. Your passion for writing as well as your enthusiasm for your friends was contagious.


  2. Several times at All Write!!! I heard a speaker say that the writer should leave the writing conference energized to write. Boy am I energized to write!! Great pictures and I look forward to reading more soon!


  3. The pictures are snippets of excitement, encouragement, and engagement. The sessions provided learning, and the interaction provided reflection. Thank you all for making the conference so memorable.


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