poetry · slice of life · Write: It's good for you!

Home (Ruth’s SOLS)

Photo 2006.

Have you ever wanted to write something, but you’re sure your words are never ever going to do it justice? That’s how I feel about tonight’s slice. Some of you may know I’ve challenged myself to an additional goal for SOLSC — to collect a photo for each slice. The photo is from years ago, but the smile is nearly the same as the one in this slice, surprised to see his mom.









Curled on side
Eyelashes rest

I smile at
His sweet spirit
But can’t resist

Kiss his temple
Nuzzle his nose
Swipe my thumb along his cheek

He stirs
I whisper
Special boy, I love you


Blurry eyes open
Focus on my face
Are you here Mom?

Yes, Buddy, it’s me
I missed you
I love you

Surprised saucer eyes
Raised eyebrows
Oh mouth

My heart flutters
Because his smile
is for me

Hug tight
Don’t let go
I love you too, Momma

Curl on side
Snuggle in
Momma smile

14 thoughts on “Home (Ruth’s SOLS)

  1. I liked it lots! But my mother hormones must be high lately. Tears well up so easily lately when I read motherhood stuff. Thanks for another chance to blow my nose and wipe away the tears!


  2. I remember those days when i could go in and watch my children sleep or check on them after they slept. Writing is a wonderful way to keep these memories. Wish I has\d realized it then! Hold onto them! I miss those days! I have the memories, but if I had the writings, it would help! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Beautiful poem. I love the nuzzle his nose and hug tight. I still go in late at night to check my kids. I will brush their cheeks. I connect with the book “Love You Forever” with this poem and thoughts. Awesome!


  4. Oh Ruth, What a wonderful welcome home image. Your words paint a picture in my mind and bring tears to my eyes. Savor this sweetness, but clearly I don’t need to tell you this. Lovely post. ~Theresa


  5. This is beautiful. It goes by so fast. I like your added challenge of posting a photograph with each slice. Photographs are a great way to get writing. They bring to the fore so many memories and feelings. Lovely!


  6. This is gorgeous, Ruth. I melted when I read “Kiss his temple/nuzzle his nose/swipe my thumb across his cheek.” I can’t help but do these things when I see my sweet one sleeping. There’s just something so precious about seeing your child sleeping peacefully; it makes me ache…especially when I’ve been gone. So glad you had this tender moment tonight!



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