moleskine · writer's notebook

moleskine journal site!

There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing.  ~ Isaac D’Israeli 

Stacey’s students are getting their very own moleskine writer’s notebooks today & I happened across this site dedicated to moleskine notebooks.  Check it out & enjoy the quotes and inspiring tidbits.  I’ve never had a moleskine notebook — but I’m pretty sure one is soon going to appear on my doorstep.   I just have to have this writing experience that will link me to the artists of the past.  I think it is a perfect way to honor the start up of Writer’s Notebook Wednesdays, don’t you?

Here’s an excerpt from the site:
For two centuries now Moleskine (mol-a-skeen’-a) journals have been the legendary notebook of artists, writers, intellectuals and travelers. More popular than ever, Moleskine notebooks possess stylish minimalism and unmatched quality. This century new legends are being created with the help of this modest book. Moleskine journals help in daily life, work and play, at home and traveling the world. This is the journal that has been as it remains today a truly reliable friend – always at the ready. Helping in life – helping create and capture life stories.