Slice of Life Story Challenge

SOL Tuesday #SOL20

Write. Share. Give.

Please drop the link your slice of life story. Remember to give some comment love to at least three other Slicers’ blog posts today.

If you need some inspiration to help you get started with your writing today, then consider this quote from Exile Music.

Finally, MERRY CHRISTMAS to the members of our community who are celebrating Christmas later this week.

45 thoughts on “SOL Tuesday #SOL20


    “Not even a year old and, in my dangerous thought traps, my child would turn into a recluse – FOREVER. While I may have been a little nervous as a first time mom, I’m incredibly thankful that we’ve had so much uninterrupted time watching Elías develop right before our eyes. What’s an unexpected blessing you experienced and/or received during pandemic quarantine?”


    1. I too love to watch squirrels. It is a delight to watch them nibbling chapati pieces that we put out for birds and squirrels. They jump down the coconut tree and run away when they see some movement. Every morning I wake up to hear birds calling to each other. In these days of changes, this does not change.

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