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Classroom SOLSC: Closing In On the End – Week 5

2020 Classroom Slice of Life Challenge

Twenty-five days of student writing are now behind us, and we are closing in on the end of the 2020 Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge. Students have worked hard to write stories each day. There have been stories that have filled pages and stories that seemed to barely make it onto the keypad. Still, they write. Their writing has moved into a space of unique challenge, in some ways beyond the story challenge. For many students, the challenge to write has become a challenge they have been able to find solace in holding close, a comforting constant within the space of our uncertain time in history. 

Their stories have become a lens into the most beautiful family moments, as much as their most anxiety causing experiences. The many changes in our lives have somehow caused the stories to blossom. These are the recordings of human stories―human experiences. 

The countdown for the end of our 2020 Classroom SOLSC has begun, but we are not done yet!

Writers are welcome to join us, even as we come to the last days of the challenge. If you are a teacher, a parent, or guardian and would like to have a student join the Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge, there’s still time! Help your students share their writing and join us.

Whether you are participating as a student, teacher, parent, or guardian, you are invited to read and comment on student writing in the Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge 2020 Padlet.

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Writing Tip

In today’s post, I am sharing a minilesson on selecting a title for a story. This is a video I will be sharing with my 4th grade dual language students. You are welcome to share with your students.

Be Inspired!

Share your thoughts with us!

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, or celebrations from your Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge experience, please reach out to us. Be sure to let us know what tips could help support your writers for the remainder of the April Classroom SOLSC. You are doing great things by supporting students in this story challenge. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

2 thoughts on “Classroom SOLSC: Closing In On the End – Week 5

  1. Titles are important! Thanks for sharing.
    DePaola’s title got me thinking about other titles with location names and how catchy they sound.
    The House on Mango Street
    Uncle Tom’a Cabin
    The House of Seven Gables
    The Painted House
    Anyhow, I’m not writing those stories so I’ll look for a title that fits my story. 😊


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