slice of life

SOL Tuesday


WRITE a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE a link to your post in the comments section.
GIVE comments to at least three other SOLS bloggers.


Be sure to tune in this Friday, April 12th for the prize post reveal.  There will be lots of exciting giveaways!

giveaway image sol19


Also… It’s National Poetry Month!  Been thinking about trying your hand at poetry?  Perhaps today is your day.  Linger not, for our time here is short, fellow slicers…

Be Inspired

Time Comes to Us Softly

80 thoughts on “SOL Tuesday

  1. My April poem-a-day writing challenge has had a rough start. I’ve chosen a form I find awkward and uncomfortable, and my theme — each day’s poem is in memory of a Black woman killed by police — breaks my heart every day.

    Today I took a break from that sadness, however. It’s my niece’s birthday, so — as I’ve done every year since I started writing poems for April — I’ve written a poem for her. I’m still not loving this form, but it was much nicer slogging through it writing about my niece!


  2. You know when your post just won’t come together…and you work and work, and finally it does! And you’re so happy, and then you push publish and something weird happens and the whole thing disappears. Forever. Yeah. I almost gave up, but then tried to rewrite—So here it is, my quickly rewritten slice in appreciation of the beauty of the marsh, minus the poem which I can’t seem to recreate.

    SOL–Dawn at Scarborough Marsh


  3. I have actually managed to write a SOL the last 2 Tuesdays since the month challenge ended. Can I keep this up?
    Feeling a bit frustrated today. Are you?


  4. Hi all! Had a chance to catch my breath after 31 straight posts (not sure if you knew this but it was a lot). Juliette told me about Tuesdays and that I had to write about a day with my guy last week, so here ya go.

    slow down


  5. I regret that I was a horrible SOL Tuesday participant last week. I linked and disappeared since the stomach bug hit two more family members. Alas, I’m happy to be here with a short and sweet slice that reflects nothing but good health today! (After two weeks of illnesses, I’m thankful for that.)

    Love Time


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