slice of life

SOL Tuesday

slice of life_individual

What will you write today? Did you wake up with a story brewing? Maybe you are waiting for the perfect inspiration. Either way, write, share, give and enjoy!

As always, share the permalink to your own slice of life blog post in the comments below. Then comment on at least three other slice of life story posts.


63 thoughts on “SOL Tuesday

  1. I recently posted a poem publicly which caught a lot of attention, push some buttons, struck a nerve. Among the feedback, a lot was hurtful, rude, insulting, and disgusting.
    I had to remind myself that writing is healing for me, a safe space of expression, a stage I can stand on. So no, I won’t stop. I’ll be right here, writing. I will continue to share my truth, whether others can handle it or not.
    In this story, the ending was not what I expected. ‘A Taxi in Spain’


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