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Five on Friday + Book Giveaways

blogstitute20141)  The Stenhouse Blogstitute starts the week of June 16th.  Get free professional development twice a wee (Mondays and Thursdays) for four weeks by reading the posts written by Stenhouse authors over on the Stenhouse Blog.  Be sure to leave a comment on at least one of the posts, which will put you in the running for eight free books written by the eight participating authors.

2)  Several years ago I received a gift, Teaching with Fire: Poetry That Sustains the Courage to Teach (2003), which was thoroughly inspiring. Teaching with Heart: Poetry That Speaks to the Courage to Teach is the sequel that came out last month. Seeing as the American educational landscape has changed so much in the past decade (e.g., the rise of charter schools, the expansion of Teach for America, the Common Core State Standards), the editors of Teaching with Fire thought a sequel was in order.

9781118459430.pdfTeaching with Heart includes 90 essays that are reflections on everything from teachable moments to relentless optimism to tenacity. Each reflective essay reflects on a poem and explains why it’s meaningful.  One of the reflections is by one of my longtime virtual friends, Kevin Hodgson, who has been part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge since the very beginning.  Kevin reflected on Taylor Mali’s “What Teachers Make” and explained how he gave a passionate defense of the impact he has on his students lives, on a daily basis, when asked what it was like to be a public school teacher.

Be sure to put Teaching with Heart on your summer reading list.  It’s the perfect book to pull out in late July/early August when you might need a little inspiration to think about returning to the classroom for the next school year. NOTE: The essays are short, which makes this the kind of book you can dip-in and dip-out of any time of the year.

3) I introduced my daughter, Isabelle, to the Madeline books recently. She LOVES them! I think I have Madeline and Madeline’s Rescue memorized from reading them so many times. (Chances are I’ll memorize Madeline and the Bad Hat Next!)

Reading the Madeline books to Isabelle is special since my mom read them to me and my grandmother read them to my mom! That’s right… Madeline has been around for 75 years! It’s remarkable to me how a story my mother’s generation enjoyed has endured and is as beloved now as it was back then.

9780670884605_medium_BemelmansMaybe it’s because I’m curious about authors or maybe it’s because I’m a Francophile, but I’ve been enjoying Bemelmans: The Life & Art of Madeline’s Creator by John Bemelmans Marciano who is Ludwig Bemelmans’ grandson. It’s incredible to get a look into Bemelmans’ life by looking through old photographs, sketches, and even his private journals, which are contained in this book. While Bemelmans is best known for his Madeline stories, he spent many years painting with oil paints. Flipping through the latter portion of the book feels like you’re walking through an art gallery since it contains many of the oil paintings Bemelmans painted in France and New York. (As a New Yorker, this is yet another reason I appreciate this book!)

Speaking of New York, The New York Historical Society is running an exhibit “Madeline in New York: The Art of Ludwig Bemelmans” from July 4th – October 13th, 2014. The exhibit is in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Madeline books and will feature over 90 pieces of original artwork.

If you grew up reading and loving Madeline and want to learn more about Madeline’s creator, then this book is for you!  It will also make a fantastic coffee table book once you’ve finished reading it.

4)  I have a thing about exclamation points. I guess that’s why I was interested to read Melissa Dahl’s recent piece, “It’s Too Late. Exclamation Points Are Unstoppable Now” in New York Magazine. While my pet peeve centers around more than one exclamation point to end a sentence, Dahl’s article talks about the  reasons why and science behind people feeling compelled to end sentences (e.g., like e-mail greetings) with them.

5)  Summer officially begins next week! While I have some professional commitments and two weddings to attend this summer, I’m trying to keep things as low-key and normal around here as possible.  I was inspired by Abundant Mama and Creative Family Fun and created a summer bucket list of things to do with Isabelle when we’re not so busy this summer.

Click on the image to enlarge.
Click on the image to enlarge.

What’s on your summer bucket list?


  • This giveaway is for a copy of Bemelmans: The Life & Art of Madeline’s Creator and Teaching with Heart: Poetry That Speaks to the Courage to Teach.  Many thanks to Penguin Books and the editors of Teaching with Heart for donating a copy of these books to two separate readers. (One prize per winner.)
  • For a chance to win this copy of Bemelmans: The Life & Art of Madeline’s Creator or Teaching with Heart: Poetry That Speaks to the Courage to Teach please leave a comment about this post by Friday, June 20th at 11:59 p.m. EDT. I’ll use a random number generator to pick the winners, whose names I will announce at the bottom of this post, by Monday, June 30th.
    • EDITED at 7:55 a.m. on 6/13/14: Please state which book you’d like to win a copy of when you leave your comment.  If you’d like to be in the running for both of them, please let me know that.
  • Please be sure to leave a valid e-mail address when you post your comment, so I can contact you to obtain your mailing address if you win.  From there, my contacts at Penguin Books and and the editors of Teaching with Heart will ship you the books.  (NOTE: Your e-mail address will not be published online if you leave it in the e-mail field only.)

Comments are now closed.

Thank you to everyone who left a comment. I used a random number generator and drew out Diane and Jane’s commenter numbers. Diane will win a copy of Bemelmans: The Life & Art of Madeline’s Creator and Jane will receive a copy of Teaching with Heart: Poetry That Speaks to the Courage to Teach. Here’s what they said:

Diane wrote — “My daughter, who just graduated from college (and is soon to become a teacher!) loved the Madeline books. I read about the NY exhibit yesterday and though I’m landlocked in Denver and won’t make it there any time soon, I’d love to get the story behind the story and learn more about Bemelmans.”

Jane wrote — “I did more with poetry this year than I have in previous years (still not near enough), and my students LOVED it. I’d love to learn even more, so Teaching with Heart appeals to me just a teensy bit more. Although, having loved the Madeline books as a child that doesn’t sound bad either!”

41 thoughts on “Five on Friday + Book Giveaways

  1. I would love the Teaching with Heart book. My summer stack is shrinking as I devour books and this one sounds like a great read that has missed my radar somehow. Great post!


  2. Sorry, just posted, but didn’t see a place to put my email (

    Loved your post, so much great info. I’d love to win either of the books, but Teaching with Heart sounds like be super to head back to school with.


  3. After a tough year, Teaching with Heart sounds like the perfect book to read before the beginning of the next school year! Thank you Stacey for encouraging us!


  4. I would love the Bemelmans book. Maybe reading those Madeleine books with her countless times when she was little is what makes my now 20-year-old crazy to go to Paris.

    And thanks for all the interesting topics and books addressed in this post. I will be looking for the books if I am not a lucky winner. And I will visit the blogstitute, too.

    And to make sure you know I am sincere, thanks, Stacey!


  5. The more I can read about Poetry, the better prepared I can be to inspire the budding poets in my classroom. Thank you for this opportunity!


  6. My daughter, who just graduated from college (and is soon to become a teacher!) loved the Madeline books. I read about the NY exhibit yesterday and though I’m landlocked in Denver and won’t make it there any time soon, I’d love to get the story behind the story and learn more about Bemelmans.


  7. What a great five on Friday post. I wish the Bemelmans exhibit was opening next week. The book on his art looks wonderful. I have distinct memories of reading Madeline as a child and sharing it with my two daughters when they were small. They loved all things Madeline. I’m not familiar with Teaching with Heart, but would love to read it.A summer bucket list- what a fun idea.


  8. I read a preview of Teaching with Heart…the poem The Real Work hit me at the perfect moment! I’d feel lucky to win this book! Thanks for the opportunity!


  9. I am a new 6th Grade Language Arts teacher. In the Fall I will have my first ELA class. I am grateful for the resources on Two Writing Teachers and would live to enter to win “Teaching with Heart: Poetry that Speaks to the Courage to Teach.” Thank you.


  10. I loved Madeline as a small girl. I loved the orderliness of her life. It has been the toughest teaching year of my 7 years teaching I could certainly use a book to inspire me and give me courage.


  11. I would love both books; the poetry for me and the Bemelmans book to share with my daughter who is 8 and a huge fan of Madeline and all things French!


  12. I did more with poetry this year than I have in previous years (still not near enough), and my students LOVED it. I’d love to learn even more, so Teaching with Heart appeals to me just a teensy bit more. Although, having loved the Madeline books as a child that doesn’t sound bad either!


  13. Thanks for the heads up about the Blogistute. A wonderful opportunity; we all win by participating. I’m preparing to use poetry for repeated reading practice with my struggling readers in the fall, I’d love a copy of “Teaching with Heart” as inspiration!


  14. I didn’t know about the Blogstitute. I’m excited to have the opportunity to read that this summer, and hear from many of these great authors.


  15. I have Taylor Mali’s book by my bed. I, as you say, dip into it for short bursts of inspiration and affirmation. I would love to have another book touchstone like that and would welcome Teaching with Heart. Of course, if I don’t get picked, I will be buying it. Like Paulina I will be in New York at TC, and now I am hoping that Saturday I can go see Madeleine! (yes, I used an exclamation point, but I really am excited…)


  16. I love the idea of Teaching With Heart. I had avoided teaching poetry for a number of years but dug in two years ago. The students clamoured for more so this may be my starting point in the fall. My students were excited to write, share, give feedback and rewrite. So inspiring to see.
    I also enjoyed your bucket list. As my boys are now older and I have many more freedoms my list includes things like travelling to LaConner for a day and picking my way through antique shops, heading to Steveston (in Richmond BC) for fresh fish and chips, and day tripping to Whistler – so much to see and do there.


  17. I love that poetry has been reborn. For me, I have been spending more time falling in love with poetry. I have even started a bit of a collection of poetry books. It was not a genre I spent much time in before. Now I love to read it and write it.


  18. I love the Madeline series so much that my only daughter is named Madeline! Her room has painted vines and characters on the walls. It was the theme for her first birthday party. I will definitely work my way to see the exhibit.
    I would love to have the Bemelmans book as part of the collection of Madeline books.


  19. Thank you for sharing your summer bucket list and having “write poems” on it. It is a fabulous idea that I will be adding to my family’s own bucket list right away. I would love the poetry book. Thanks!


  20. I followed the link to the article about the now-mandatory use of exclamation points and am realizing why so many people think I am impolite or uninterested. Thank you. I also wondered if you ended the first sentence of #4 with an exclamation point to illustrate this common shift in punctuation. I’m very interested in winning a book, and would use the Teaching with Heart book in my classroom regularly. With that hope, I will now resume counting the exclamation points in the comments already left above.


  21. Both of the books peak my interest. I will be in NYC at the institutes this summer and will just miss the Madeline exhibit. I have 3 girls and they loved Madeline. We read books, watched movies, and even dressed up. It brought back memories. Thanks for sharing.


    1. My daughter is only three, but I am seriously considering taking her to the exhibit. I might choose one of the kid-friendly days described at the bottom of the page I linked to since I don’t think she will truly appreciate Bemelmans’ artwork right now.


  22. Both those books sound wonderful. This year I have had so much PD about nonfiction that it sounds wonderful to return to poetry and fiction. I loved Madeline books as a child but haven’t gotten to revisit them much, since I had sons who just weren’t interested, so that would be a book for just me!


  23. Poetry is one of the forgotten genres. Great for our struggling readers and for improving fluency. I would love the book!


  24. I am intrigued by your book suggestions. However, the Madeline exhibit has got me thinking about making a road trip to New York. My daughter and I loved those books so much. I find that They sparked her love of the French language and culture. My students love when I share about seeing or meeting or reading about the lives of real authors. I would love to share about Bemelmans’ journey as an artist and an author. Thanks for this list.


  25. Summer is just around the corner and I would love to dig my teeth into Teaching with Heart Poetry that Speaks to the Courage to Teach. It sounds like a book that would speak to me on a number of levels. And congratulations to Kevin for being one of the essayists.


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