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Sharing Some Thinking from the Writing Institute

Fullscreen capture 8122013 41258 PM.bmpI’ve been wanting to try out Storify for awhile, but haven’t head a reason to use it.  Until now.  I decided to put together Storify some of my tweets and pictures from last week’s TCRWP Writing Institute.  I hope it gives you a glimpse into some of the things I learned from my section leaders, the keynote speakers, and some of the closing sessions I attended.

I’ll be blogging more about specific things I learned from the Institute over the course of the next few weeks.  Until then…

[View the story “Holding Important Ideas Close” on Storify]

5 thoughts on “Sharing Some Thinking from the Writing Institute

  1. I know this is a writing blog, but would love to read your thoughts about the following week too! (That is if you were at the reading sessions as well.)


  2. Thank you for sharing – there are some great insights and reminders here. My goal for the afternoon is to dig into some of the electronic note/conferring options!


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