Slice of Life Story Challenge

Slice 2012: 9 of 31

Slice of Life Challenge 2012. Please share the unique URL to your daily slice in the comments of this post. Feel free to grab this button and use it on your blog. Happy slicing.

The Nitty Gritty:

  1. Please (pleasepleasepleaseplease) use the SAME email/username information on all of your March entries. This is essential to make tracking your number of slices a little more manageable.
  2. We’ll close comments for the previous day’s slice the next morning. As long as you get your slice linked on each daily slice post, you are in the running for prizes. Further information will come later in the month regarding prizes
  3. Any questions, please use the online form to send Stacey an email, or email or tweet me.

Useful Links:

Nuts and Bolts (General information)

Prize Information (Wow!)

31 Slices (Ideas for topics)

Classroom Resources and SOLS Booklet + Chart

More Buttons (red, green, yellow, blue-purple, grey)

170 thoughts on “Slice 2012: 9 of 31

  1. Please excuse the mess of this post. I am trying to do this from my phone because I don’t have Internet access. I am also having to use a shortened URL because I can’t get the full one to work.

    From Seeds to Apples –

    I also don’t remember which email address I have been using. If it is not the right one. I’m sorry.


  2. Allergic to Grammatical Issues

    I posted a comic and wrote my own response:

    If you feel like reading one of my entries, I would really like you to check out and comment on my post from the other day, a poem written in the style of Naomi Shihab Nye looking at how to respond to negative teachers:

    I wrote it late one night this week, and I’m wondering what people think of the copy change and the content.

    Have a great weekend, everybody. Thanks for keeping me writing. 🙂


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