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Processing My Learning (Ruth’s SOLS)


Processing the day.


One of my favorite parts of my job is I am privileged to a lot of professional development. Often when I travel to conferences, I attend with our district reading coach, Deb Gaby. Over the years, Deb and I have developed a comfortable routine of traveling together. I know she likes some alone time. She knows I am quirky about hotel rooms.

During the day, we go our separate ways. Sometimes we blur past one another between sessions. We touch base through texts and tweets. We absorb as much as we can. I tweet like a crazy person, collecting as many notes as possible. The thinking is quick. The sessions are fast paced. And the conversations with others are always cut short.

At the end of the day Deb and I slow down. Pajamas, lap tops opened, stretched out on our beds. We start talking about bits of our day. We start out slowly, sharing just a sliver. Then some thinking time, then more bits, more listening, more thinking, more bits. The conversation bounces around from bits of the day to stories from our lives to books to laughter and back to bits from the day. Our thinking layers on top of each other. The learning from the day blends together, working its way into our tapestry of understanding, and common themes slowly surface.

Twitter allows me to instantly process my thinking. I engage in digital conversations with others who are on the same lines of thinking as me. People push my thinking, ask questions, and even tease and joke. I am a better educator because of my PLN on Twitter.

But Twitter alone is not enough.

Deb allows me the space and time to think deeply. She shares her thinking with me and lets it evolve. She lets me be myself and accepts my messy thinking, allowing me to change my mind and grow as an educator without judging or pressuring me. I am a better educator, wife, mother, friend, and person because of Deb.

But a colleague alone is not enough.

I’m realizing it takes many layers to become a reflective educator. Instant feedback and slow thinking. People in person and people online.  People who push and people who accept. Questioning and answering and more questioning. The best, though, is when people cross the worlds. When Deb tweets with me, when I meet a Twitter friend in person, when a colleague blogs, when an email arrives from someone who commented on a blog post, and the best of all these things collide. I’m thankful to have a handful of people like this in my world. They are the reason I’m the educator I am.

11 thoughts on “Processing My Learning (Ruth’s SOLS)

  1. I’m inspired. Glad you have time to rejuvenate during the conference. Deb is wonderful and glad you have each other to uplift and reflect.


  2. Thank you for this post. I, too, felt inspired by your reflections. I especially like this sentence: “I’m realizing it takes many layers to become a reflective educator.” Since I took up your challenge, I started a blog–one I invited my students to follow. It’s interesting to me how this has changed a dynamic in our classroom community–not only among my students but in our relationship with each other. I’m thinking a lot about that. Layers and reflection. Yes.


  3. I can’t thank you two enough either. I wouldn’t be on this blog if it weren’t for you. I’m not on here for the prizes. It has been an eye opening experience for my class too! I’ve shared it with them and they are guests on my blog and I think a few are hooked. Perhaps more will be too! I hope you have safe travels! Thinking of you!


  4. I don’t think I could possibly do what I do, think and feel and act as intentionally as I do without other professionals in my space. But the most powerful statements you shared were about how each of you supports the other in processing, learning, integrating – so that you both can be the mentors you are to the rest of us!


  5. Your post reminds me that I am so fortunate to be in a building of teachers who “layer their thinking” as you described. The “layering” we do on this site also contributes to my being a better teacher.


  6. You and Deb are in my thoughts as the two people who have made reading and writing grow and bloom, not only in my life, but in the hearts of the children I teach. Both of you are the layers in my life I would miss if they weren’t there!


  7. Sharing your thinking with someone who works to understand the words is so important to our growth. It sounds as if your balcony is full & that counts for quite a lot in our teacher and also personal lives. I’m glad for you!


  8. The lines Kevin referred to resonated with me also. I savored the ideas of layers. I think that is a great description of the process. I appreciate all that you share with us. Wishing you safe travels.


  9. These two sentences are so very powerful, Ruth.

    Our thinking layers on top of each other. The learning from the day blends together, working its way into our tapestry of understanding, and common themes slowly surface.

    You capture a lot of what it means to need others in this profession. Thanks for sharing your thinking here.


  10. Sounds like you are being recharged professionally and I love the reflections on your thinking and growing. I especially liked the part about instant feedback and slow thinking.
    Glad it’s going well and that you have a good traveling companion. Talk soon!


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