writing workshop


I just got back from a dinner with J. Patrick Lewis. After dinner Pat spoke and inspired me to teach and write and live more intentionally, more light-hearted. This comes on the heels of a day with Katie Wood Ray, Sharon Taberski, Franki Sibberson, and Sarah Weeks. Am I a lucky girl or what?

Although I’ve added about 30 items to my “To Blog” list, tonight’s post is a few random reflections jogging through my mind. Since my presentation tomorrow is called Sculpting Our Teaching: Using Reflective Practice to Inform Writing Workshop, I think it is appropriate to spend a few minutes reflecting on the day. 🙂

What I’m learning about writing and teaching because of listening today:

  • Writing well takes time. So does teaching well.
  • Writing well is a lifetime endeavor. So is teaching well.
  • Writing well takes mentors. So does teaching well.
  • Writing well takes interaction with others. So does teaching well.
  • Writing well takes vision. So does teaching well.

It’s remarkable how much the two mirror one another. I believe this will be a theme running through my thinking for awhile.

Not only did I get to hear great speakers, I also saw great friends. Our paths sometimes only cross at conferences and I’m thankful for this common link that keeps us connected. I’ll be anxious to share more with you soon.

AND, you should begin making plans to come to Indiana next year for the All-Write Summer Institute; there is already a great line up emerging for 2011!

3 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. Hi Ruth! It was so awesome to meet you face to face today! The conference was awesome and I cannot wait to see where it leads some of your posts!

    Next year I will have to find you earlier than the last session however!


  2. Sorry I couldn’t be there…with taking off time from my babysitting job to visit family and go to Honduras, I hated to take off more time. I was excited to read your reflection and am currently reading a book to help teach the passion of reading to others. Also going to try and read Study Driven as well.


  3. Wow, what a powerful list. Thank you for sharing your learnings/reflections, and good luck with your presentation tomorrow. I am sure others will be having just as many aha moments while listening to you speak as you have with your peers. Such a nice thing about working in a collaborative community of learners.


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