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Stacey’s Slice of Life Story: #22


I woke up earlier than expected this morning. Therefore, I headed into my study, retrieved some chart paper, grabbed some specialty stickers, took out some markers from the drawer, and started working on my News & Announcements Charts for the week. I pulled my plan book alongside of me and began writing the charts for the week.

By the time I got to Thursday’s Chart, I decided to use an embellishment sticker, like I have done for every other day of the SOLSC, that said, “My dream for you is…” I thought carefully about how I could be funny and poignant at the same time since I’ve used these stickers daily on the chart all month to remind my kids to turn in their SOLS by 8:45 a.m. Therefore, I went for the most truthful thing I could say, which is what I truly hope my students will do after this Challenge is over.

I think that many of them have truly enjoyed this Challenge and have recognized that they can and should make more out of their daily lives. My hope and dream is that they do this work daily, going-forward.

7 thoughts on “Stacey’s Slice of Life Story: #22

  1. I hope your students will keep up with their SOL stories after March … and I’d love to see us continue with ours as well. There’s no question that I’ll keep reading the great blogs I’ve discovered this month, but I really like the way the challenge has pushed me to think and to write, so I’d love to see us keep going … maybe every day is more than we can sustain … but maybe not!


  2. Boil Down Your Day/Week into a Sentence

    Hag Sameah (Happy Holidays) from Israel.

    It’s Purim here, Israel’s version of Halloween, and I am guest-hosting my friend Kevin’s:
    Boil Down Your Day/Week in a Sentence, International.

    In keeping with the spirit of vacations, we are adding a twist to Kevin’s usual web sharing.

    How about composing a sentence and maybe a picture of a vacation moment you are having, had, or would like to have?

    Here’s mine:

    I was ready for a warm sun, I was ready to peel off my winter clothes and return to shorts, light tops, and sandals and I was ready to enjoy a full-blown spring and leave the lingering winter winds as Israel begins its festival of Purim.

    You can leave your sentence on my blog as a comment under an entry like this, (and photo by email by Sunday morning and I will get them up asap.
    Remember, I am 7 hours ahead of you which could be very interesting.

    Anyway, can’t wait to hear from you.

    Bonnie (with Kevin’s blessing)

    From Tel Aviv


  3. I too am enjoying this challenge. I would love to see it continue in some form. I would also like to read more about your charts. Have you posted about them in the past?


  4. Cool time to think about Stacey. Kevin and I were talking about slices after the challenge. Maybe once a week? What do you think? Maybe explore the Ning network?


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