friday poetry · poetry

WELCOME! Poetry Friday Is Here This Week!!!!


Welcome to our blog! This is the first time we’ve ever hosted Poetry Friday here at Two Writing Teachers. We’re thrilled to have you join us for Poetry Friday.

Please link your submissions with Mr. Linky.

Ruth will do the round-up this evening. We hope you’ll check back here tonight to see what everyone’s posted. Until then, HAPPY POETRY FRIDAY!

George Ellis wrote a poem about the months of the year. Since we’re well-into “breezy,” I thought this might be a fun poem to post today. Enjoy!

The Twelve Months

Snowy, Flowy, Blowy,
Showery, Flowery, Bowery,
Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy,
Breezy, Sneezy, Freezy.

–George Ellis

And mine (Ruth)  is over on Inspiring Readers & Writers

40 thoughts on “WELCOME! Poetry Friday Is Here This Week!!!!

  1. Thanks for rounding up, ladies. Such a simple-looking poem, yet so hard to get those rhymes to work and make sense seasonally!

    I’m in with two original double dactyls (aka “higgledy piggledy” poems), and directions on how to write them.


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