Save a Seat for Every Writer Blog Series

Overview: Save a Seat for Every Writer

This week’s #TWTBlog series leans into the metaphor of setting a table that invites and welcomes everyone, regardless of stamina, strengths, and personal preferences. What would you hope that your seat at the table includes? And how do you make sure that all writers find their seats to grow and celebrate in your writing classroom? 

August is an important time for teachers and students– a fresh beginning, hopes and dreams, opportunities to reset with revelations, reflections, and resolutions from previous years… The authors of Two Writing Teachers share some guiding beliefs, including the importance of our own writing lives. As you read the upcoming posts, we invite you to consider your own identity as a writer.

Betsy kicks off the series tomorrow with ideas for building stamina in writers who show up in the classroom with less perseverance than you might wish they had. 

Stacey continues the series with ideas for writers who head to the same topic month after month and genre after genre. 

On Wednesday, Leah addresses ways to harness the energy of social writers– the ones who prefer chatting to getting words down on pages. 

Thursday’s post features Sarah’s ideas for students with limited vocabulary, while Friday’s post from Jenna aims at students who love to draw and need encouragement to add words. 

Our series ends on Sunday when Lainie shares ideas for stronger writers and a round-up of the links to all of the posts from the series. 

Giveaway Information: 

Book cover of ABDUL'S STORY by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow and Tiffany Rose. There's a boy sitting at a desk with a closed notebook, crumpled paper, and two pencils.

This is a giveaway of ABDUL’S STORY by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, donated by Simon & Schuster. Readers must leave a comment on any SAVE A SEAT for EVERY WRITER BLOG SERIES POST by Sat., 8/12 at noon EDT and have a U.S. mailing address. The winner must provide their mailing address within five days, or a new winner will be chosen.

3 thoughts on “Overview: Save a Seat for Every Writer

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating this series this week!! I head back to school on 8/9 and THIS will HEKP ME SO MUCH!! These topics are WONDERFUL!! THANK YOU!!


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