
Looking for Feedback

Day by Day: Refining Writing Workshop Through 180 Days of Reflective Practice recently came out as an eBook.  Therefore, it’s now available in print and electronically.  That being said, Stenhouse, our publisher, would like to update Day by Day‘s product page with comments about the book.  We would LOVE feedback about Day by Day from readers of our blog.  Therefore, if you’ve read Day by Day, would you be so kind as to leave a comment on this post with your thoughts, feelings, reactions, to the book?  The folks at Stenhouse will peruse the comments people leave on this post and publish some of them on the Day by Day product page in the near future.

Thank you, in advance, for your willingness to share your thoughts about Day by Day with us and with others.

14 thoughts on “Looking for Feedback

  1. There are so many aspects of this book that I love! The format makes it easy to read, the examples are extremely helpful, and the topics tackle the trickiest parts of teaching writing. The piece I appreciate most is the idea of explicitly teaching routines and providing clear expectations. The emphasis on teaching what is expected before asking students to perform tasks independently is crucial to a successful writing time. Day by Day shows how to help students succeed in writing through routines, planning, and practice.


  2. Having been a fan of Nancie Atwell throughout my eleven years teaching middle school language arts, it is tough for me to find something that compares in depth and authenticity. Day by Day is the first book about Writing Workshop to push my thinking forward the way that Atwell does. After an initial cover to cover reading, I find myself returning to the pages of Day by Day to give further thought to the ‘challenge’ and ‘reflective practice’ prompts and to seek inspiration from the wealth of lessons and best practices. I received this book as a gift (one I begged to receive) and Day by Day is just that- a gift! Thank you Ruth and Stacey!


  3. As a writer and educator, I appreciate the way Stacey and Ruth have driven the learning focus below the surface features of wrtiting. The book delves into the essence of the writerly life and provides explicit advice on supporting the developing writer. What better recommendation can I provide than the fact that I recommend this book to the many teachers I regularly work with in schools. It informs my thinking and adds to my understanding of what it means to be a teacher of writing


  4. I love the way “Day by Day” is organized into topics such as: choices, routines, minilessons, conferring, mentors, and assessment. As a busy fifth grade teacher, I have found it to be the type of book where I can read just one section and begin putting it into practice. I dove into the mentor section first, and found it to be Immensely helpful! We are having a book study this summer in my building. Enjoy! 🙂


  5. I recently received a copy of “Day by Day” and could not wait to delve in. Thus far I have browsed a bit and love the way it is organized. The bits and pieces I read so far have me anxious for summer reading time. It is written in the same friendly voices that provide endless support to teachers here at the blog. This book is in my TBR summer pile and I know it will guide my growth as a teacher.


  6. I am a children’s book author who spends a lot of time in elementary schools talking to students about reading and writing. I found “Day by Day” to be immensely encouraging, informative and helpful as an instructor, but also personally as a writer. I think this should be in the hands of every teacher as they create a writing atmosphere, instruct, model and invite children to express themselves through the written word.


  7. When this book was published, I was in the process of retiring from teaching after 30 years. I wish this book had been published earlier because it is SO helpful to writing workshop teachers. Thank you for helping other writing workshop teachers to make their lives easier.


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