From the Archives

Vocabulary Games: From The Archive

The winter holidays are winding down, and I’m getting myself ready once again for early wake-ups and lesson planning. Somehow, January marks a turn in instruction. Yes, my students need a transition period to return to routines and expectations, but I’ve found that once they settle in, they are capable of strong focus and stamina. What’s more, having a series of weeks with no major breaks or testing windows is a golden opportunity for me and my students. It’s time for us to step on the gas!

We’ll be immersing ourselves in all the basics: mentor text, mini-lessons, peer revision, and writer’s craft. Sometimes, though, I get so caught up in teaching genres of writing that I don’t give full attention to skills like vocabulary development. It’s also easy to get lost in the drudgery of writing instruction. 

My search through the archives led me to a series of articles on vocabulary and word games. What better way to incorporate word work and keep a sense of fun in our writing workshop? Below are some of the activities and ideas I look forward to trying in the coming weeks. I hope you’ll enjoy them, too!