Slice of Life Story Challenge

Slice of Life Tuesday

Write. Share. Give.

On February 1, I published the sign-up for the 16th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Please fill out the sign-up form if you plan to join us during March.

A little over a year ago, I came across an excellent piece by Kelly Konya, “How Writing Can Support Your Mental Health.” After explaining the variety of ways writing can help our mental state, she provides tips for getting started. She even shared a few prompts to help someone get unstuck. They were:

  • What was the biggest challenge I faced today?
  • Did I feel anxious or sad today?
  • What brought me joy today?
  • What’s frustrating me today?
  • Am I tense? If so, why?
  • What four small things did I accomplish today?

I’m sharing this today since it’s Valentine’s Day, which can lead people to have very different emotions depending on their relationship status, if they’re grieving a loss, etc. Therefore, if you’re feeling stuck, read over Konya’s piece and try one of her prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

If you have friends or colleagues interested in joining the individual challenge for the first time this March, please share Beth’s overview post and/or share the podcast Melanie and I released last month. In addition, you may direct them to Lainie’s post for more information about the Classroom SOLSC, which will take place in April.

42 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

    1. Thank you for asking me on your journey to a place I’ve never been. You were so smart to be on the upper deck chasing the seats in the sun. I appreciate the pictures you inserted. They enhanced your writing even if there wasn’t a photo of the Bengal tiger.


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