community · current events · politics

Embracing the Importance of Our Work as Educators

We are certain many of you faced tough questions from your students yesterday. We understand it can be challenging to remain neutral in the aftermath of an election, regardless of whether or not your candidate was victorious.

We encourage you to not only listen, but to allow your students to write. Many of us  process things better in writing than we do speaking.  Many of us also use writing to express important ideas and inspire meaningful changes.

We are confident you went to work yesterday and spent the day with children. You delivered a minilesson, conferred with students, and provided time for students to share. But perhaps you also shared high-fives, fist bumps, and midday laughs.

Yesterday, like every day, there were hard questions and long pauses. But there were also opportunities to teach empathy, kindness, and inclusiveness. Day after day, we know you will help children by listening, showing them the power of shared stories, and of working for social justice through writing.

Educators provide stability to children every day. We thank you and celebrate the important work you do alongside children.

With sincere admiration,

Beth, Betsy, Dana, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Melanie, and Stacey

Co-Authors, Educators, and Writers

6 thoughts on “Embracing the Importance of Our Work as Educators

  1. I would like to hear from teachers who wish to use the election results as a jumping off place for teaching. I teach AP Language and Rhetoric in a public girls school. I would like to try to build into my curriculum a place for reading about issues they care about, wish to learn more about and follow through with writing and actions. Are others interested in thinking this through with me? Hope you don’t mind me hijacking your space.


  2. I love the solidarity shown by this post. “Educators provide stability to children every day” This is such a true statement. Also, I want you to know that this blog helps provide stability for teachers each and everyday. For me… it helps me stay grounded and focused on what’s important for my students. I struggled to keep it together yesterday. Thanks for the reminder.. I need to write.

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  3. Nicely said. I am from England (UK) and here we were not so much surprised by the result but how vitriolic and divisive the Trump campaign became. But as I pointed out to my children it was largely a theatrical Gung Ho approach and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. What Mr Trump does next is what is important so my children and the children of the world will be watching America to see what happens next. That will be something to write about.

    Liked by 1 person

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