SOLSC Classroom Challenge

Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge: Day 16 of 31

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Welcome to Day 16!

Poetry is a wonderful way to help you think of ideas to slice about.  We read many poems in our sixth grade classroom, and each of them seem to invite all of us to remember many stories.  Our favorite is this poem, the first one we read together in September, which brings back so many summer memories, so many ideas to write a Slice of Life about:

That Was Summer – Marci Ridlon

Have you ever smelled summer?

Sure you have.

Remember that time

when you were tired of running

or doing nothing much

and you were hot

and you flopped right down on the ground?

That was summer.


Remember how the warm soil smelled

and the grass?

That was summer.


Remember that time

when the storm blew up quick

and you stood under a ledge

and watched the rain till it stopped

and when it stopped

you walked out again to the sidewalk,

the quiet sidewalk.


Remember how the pavement smelled-

all steamy, warm and wet?

That was summer.


Remember that time

when you were trying to climb

higher in the tree

and you didn’t know how

and your foot was hurting in the fork

but you were holding on tight

to the branch?

Remember how the bark smelled then-

all dusty dry, but nice?

That was summer.


If you try very hard

can you remember that time

when you played outside all day

and you came home for dinner

and had to take a bath right away,

right away?


It took you a long time to pull

your shirt over your head.

Do you remember smelling the sunshine?

That was summer.


Happy Slicing!

WRITE a slice of life story on your own blog.

SHARE a link to your post in the comments section.

GIVE comments to at least three other SOLSC Classroom bloggers.

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