
Betsy’s One Little Word of 2015

I thought a lot about my word for 2015. Anyone who is choosing a word to define their year typically does put some weight on the idea. It can mean as much as you want it to mean. If you are committed, you care what you choose. I wasn’t always committed to my olw’s in the past. In 2013 my word was, Pace. I lost my word after only a few months. I had hoped to change the pace of my life and pay closer attention to things important to me. I may have done this to some extent, but I didn’t make my word as present as I did in 2014 with my olw Silence. To help represent my word of 2014 I made canvases as reminders of my hopes for 2014. I feel I learned a lot from silence. I haven’t always been one to sit back and just listen. In the past I was more likely to chime in first, spill my words on the table before anyone else could get in a word. Now I stop. I listen. I process. It’s good.

This year I once again made some visuals to represent my word. Something I can look to as a reminder of what my goals are in 2015. I also wrote a short poem that I feel shows me my goals in relationship to my word.

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Uncovering my view

Unfolding my heart

Unblocking my pen

Unlocking my mind


My one little word of 2015 will be, Open.

12 thoughts on “Betsy’s One Little Word of 2015

  1. I liked seeing your creative representations of your word and what you hope for 2015. The biggest factor that has helped me to keep my word more present has been taking Ali Edwards’ workshop for the last three years. I know that the monthly prompts help me to keep my word present and to think/reflect throughout the months.


  2. Hi Betsy. Thank you for sharing your OLW. I was intrigued by the OLW last year and never got around to choosing one. This year I wanted to pick one but life happened already and I keep making excuses. Open was the word that was churning around in my head so when I saw your post I thought I need to do this, it is not too late to write about my OLW, so I will be posting my word soon.
    Thank you also for the cool graphics. As a very visual person I will be coming up with own OPEN graphic to hang over my desk as my reminder to stay the course.
    Again, thank you for your insight and your encouraging OLW. You have inspired me and reminded me that its not too late!


  3. Thank you for sharing your one little word with a very big promise. I enjoyed your artwork and your poem. Open is a great word. Only when you are open to it can learning occur.


  4. Betsy,
    I love the “layers” in your paintings and your poem. Like Michelle, I can’t wait to see what “doors your word OPENS for you” on your year-long journey!
    Beautifully done!


  5. As you know, Open was my 2014 word. It was hard to let it go. I loved it because there were so many ways I could be open–to others, to my own needs, to creativity, to new experience… I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I happily pass it on to you, a worthy caretaker.


  6. Open is a word with so much possibility! It was a contender for my OLW, until fly latched on and grabbed my attention. I love the painting and the poem!! I, too, am trying to incorporate more creative methods of living my word. Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to see what doors your word OPENs for you!


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