
Book Stack: Wonder by R.J. Palacio

SLICES! That’s what’s been filling my reading life. And this little gem:

WONDER by R. J. Palacio; Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Random House; Review copy provided; 2012. CLICK ON THE IMAGE to visit R.J. Palacio's website.

I read it, flipped back to the first page and read the first chapter aloud to my daughters. They turned off Disney Channel and snuggled under a quilt and began reading it together. About 20 pages in, Hannah said, “We need to read this as a family.”

Stephanie added, “But wait until we finish it and then we can start over.”

Yes, it is that good.

To top it off, R.J. Palacio blogs, Tweets (@rjpalacio), to discuss the book, use #thewonderofwonder, and has a website. Trust me, you’ll want to find time to squeeze WONDER into your life.

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17 thoughts on “Book Stack: Wonder by R.J. Palacio

  1. You’re right – Wonder is that powerful. We are discussing it in a 5th grade parent/student book club coming up at the end of March. The comments I’ve heard from parents who are reading it are exciting. Exciting that they are discussing the important topics and themes covered in Wonder as they read together with their children at home.


  2. After your post, I downloaded Wonder and I started reading it yesterday. I can’t put it down…I’m sure I’ll be done with it today or tomorrow. Thanks for sharing! I love it so far!


  3. I am currently reading Scorpio Races and loving it. But Wonder quickly moved it’s way up to the top of my TBR list and I am very very excited to start it. Thank you for sharing!


  4. No matter what you are reading right now, put Wonder at the top of that TBR pile and get right to it. I have read it twice…on my own and wish I weren’t retired so that I could share it in a classroom. What an amazing read it it! I love your story about your daughters wanting to finish it alone together first before you read it yet again as a family. It has that much power, doesn’t it???

    Thanks for sharing.


  5. Have this on order at a local bookstore…looking forward to it! Everyone was talking @ it at the Dublin Literacy Conference this year


  6. I started it last Thursday night and finished it during my prep Friday morning. (No way I could wait until the end of the day.) I was bawling alone in my room and showed up in the library, when I thought I had everything under control, to share with my librarian friend. Another class was in the library and all the kids immediately noticed the red puffy eyes and asked if I was ok. All I could say was, “This book is SO good!” I passed it off to my friend and walked out to get more tissue. About 20 kids then hounded the librarian trying to convince her she didn’t have time to read and that she should loan the book to them instead.

    Absolutely fabulous! Love that Auggie-Doggie!


  7. I just started reading Wonder (it is the book that called the loudest) this morning. I want to keep reading, but I kind of want to stay inside of the story at the same time. Something about the format reminds me of Linda Urban’s A Crooked Kind of Perfect (maybe the short topical chapters?).


  8. I’m super excited about this book. I can’t wait to read it. I have to say I get the best books from you guys. I had the entire teaching staff read Because of Mr. Terupt last summer and then I reclaimed all the books to use with my class.


  9. An uplifting, beautiful story. I would love to read it with a grade 5 or 6 class to find out their thoughts and reactions to the story.


  10. I’ve started it . . . I couldn’t put it down in the beginning. But I’ve been wrapped up in other things in my life. I need to finish it – thanks for the push!


  11. oh my!
    I need a Barnes & Noble gift card to keep up with all these good book ideas I’m getting and it’s only day 5!!


  12. I’m going to by this now! Sounds like a great book. I have a copy of North of Beautiful that I still have not had a chance to read. I thought of it again as I was watching the trailer to this one. I might just read the two simultaneously.


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