Jane Yolen · Joy · teacher-as-writer · writing

Summer Writing Refresh: A Grown-up Writing Circle

Photo by Lynne Hand on Flickr

I have a confession to make: I’m currently a teacher of writing who does not currently write for enjoyment.

It’s not that I don’t like writing. Quite the opposite, in fact. I relish having the ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings just so. I treasure the pride that comes with nailing down the just-right word. And I marvel at the way a poem or story surprises me, sending me in a direction I never planned.

Even though writing is rewarding, I just haven’t been doing it. Is it because I’ve been busy with other things? Pursuing other creative outlets? In a rut? I’m not sure. But I am sure of one thing: I miss it.

I miss writing. I’d like to become friends with it again. So this summer, I’ll be exploring Jane Yolen’s book, Take Joy: The Writer’s Guide to Loving The Craft. She shares personal anecdotes and offers “interludes” that offer creative activities. Part exercise manual, part pep talk collection, Take Joy sparks my optimism.

I could use a bit of optimism.

That’s where you come in! Maybe you, too, have found yourself distanced from the joy of writing. Maybe you’re just dipping your toes into writing, and you’d like to learn more. Maybe you write often, but you’re in need of a boost.

Writing colleagues, I would love to have company on this journey. I’d love to establish an online writing circle to explore and enjoy this book together. Together, we’ll find ways to read the chapters, try the exercises, and deepen our own joy for the craft of writing. 

Will you join me? Just comment below and I’ll contact you directly to work out days, times, or structures that will work for the group.

Happy writing!

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