slice of life · writing workshop

It’s Tuesday: Welcome to Slice of Life!

Write a slice of life on your own blog.

Share your piece through the comments on this post.

Give comments to other people who have also written and shared.

Many slicers spent the month of March finding inspiration, writing, sharing, and commenting every day. Throughout the year, we welcome you back together on Tuesdays!


We are asking that you please DO NOT HIT THE ENTER BUTTON AT ALL WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR COMMENT with your link. Even when the enter button is hit, inadvertently, at the end of the teaser/link, it leads to an embedded preview. The best form of punctuation is a comma or a colon between the teaser and the link. A dash is NOT good. It will lead to an embedded preview.

This month, students around the globe are participating in the April Classroom SOLSC. Each Sunday, Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski will share a post for inspiration and conversation for the educators who are leading the Classroom SOLSC in their schools. As you know, comments mean a lot to bloggers and our student bloggers would welcome more readers!  Please visit the Padlet ( to support and encourage our student writers this month.


95 thoughts on “It’s Tuesday: Welcome to Slice of Life!

  1. Focusing my reading/writing this week thinking about the 6 Shifts of Literacy Instruction that are shared by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates in their newest book: Shifting the Balance. I’ve been thinking a lot about the “reading wars” and this dichotomy of either this or that when teaching reading and know that whenever we operate too heavily on one side than the other we miss perspectives and it can become problematic. Here are my initial thoughts after reading the first chapter on listening comprehension:


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