Slice of Life Story Challenge

SOL Tuesday #SOL20

Write. Share. Give.

It’s time to leave the link your slice of life story. Please remember to comment on at least three other Slicers’ blog posts today.

If you need some inspiration to help you get started with your writing today, then consider this quote from Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune.

Finally, HAPPY CHANUKAH to the members of our community who are celebrating Chanukah this week.

43 thoughts on “SOL Tuesday #SOL20

  1. Oh my gosh, I forgot that I wrote this early, so I wouldn’t miss another Tuesday. Guess what? I missed my morning posting (Pacific Coast). Ah well, at least I did it! (And I like it!)


    1. Just left a comment on your blog. It disappeared. I know it’s not all Blogger blogs since I was able to leave one on Haitiruth’s. Did you get it? If not, I’ll try again from my computer later today. (I’m on a device now.)


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