Slice of Life Story Challenge

Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge

Write a Slice of Life.

Share your link in the comments section of this post.

Give comments to at least three other Slice of Life stories.


I’ve always loved looking at green treetops agains the clear blue sky. When I read the above quote in Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s book, Textbook: Not Quite a Memoir, I had a sense that Amy and I would be (in the words of Anne Shirley) “kindred spirits.” I cannot see a green treetop against a blue sky anymore without stopping to think of Amy and all she shared in her too-brief life. How amazing that the words we write can resonate in someone else’s heart and reveal their truth too? How spectacular that our words can live on after we are no longer on this earth, inspiring and touching others we never met?

What are you stopping to notice today? What stories might be found in moments that roll by too quickly? What is a truth you can reveal?

Here is a good place to share and now is the right time to do it. Happy Slice of Life Tuesday!

52 thoughts on “Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge

  1. Today’s Slice of Life writing comes from inspiration I had while driving south to see my sister and her family. It can be dull, but sometimes you drive through little gems like the one I did — I didn’t stop because there wasn’t really a place TO stop — but I knew I had to capture it in writing if nothing else:

    A Forgotten Town


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