slice of life

SOL Tuesday

Our systems face significant shock from August to September. After long days, little sleep, and almost no time to recharge, I told myself, “It’s only temporary. I’ll find balance in October.” 

Well, October has come and gone, and I didn’t find my balance. As a natural consequence, I got a doozy of a cold and a chronic migraine. We know our energy totally spreads to our classroom, so, I found myself less patient and less positive.

I remembered the promise I made to myself, and I’m committed to finding a balance, with little changes in my routines each week.

One way I’m doing this is through affirmations (positive statements to help manifest goals and intentions). I typically search affirmations about self-love or emotional healing, but I’ve discovered that writing affirmations myself is much more powerful.

There are many step-by-step guides to describe how to do this. Essentially, if we write it, read it, say it, then we begin to believe it, and it becomes true.

So, as you are writing your SOL, perhaps you can end with an affirmation. Does your story show any perceived truths about yourself that can become more positive?

Here’s one that I’ve written:

I deserve giving as much energy to myself as I give to others.

WRITE a slice of life story on your own blog.

SHARE a link to your post in the comments section.

GIVE comments to at least three other SOL bloggers.

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