writing workshop

Slice of Life Tuesday

Tuesdays are Slice of Life days! Everyone is welcome in this community.

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“If we are asking students to take risks, we have to model risk-taking.”         Meredith Sinclair at the first Connecticut Council for Teachers of English Convention, May 12, 2018

This community celebrates the risk we take to write and share our work. As teachers of writing, one of the most important things we can do

–and sometimes one of the scariest– is…


Welcome to the Slice of Life Community!

WRITE a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE a link to your post in the comments section.
GIVE comments to at least three other SOLS bloggers.

67 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

  1. This is my first time coming to Slice of Life and posting. It was the “two writing teachers” name that caught my eye. It was a reading and writing workshop teacher who turned me on to writing when I was in high school. She took a student who hated to read and stopped writing as a child, and reminded me the escape that writing was for me. After discouragements in life I stopped writing and left my dream of being a author. Recently I have stepped out on a ledge and began to write again. So here I am reaching out again to the writing community and those that love it.
    Here is a link to my first blog post ever from last week. Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly welcome.

    Living in a Hamster Wheel


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