Slice of Life Story Challenge

Time for SOL Tuesday

Write. Share. Give.
Please write your Slice of Life Story, share your link, and give at least three comments to other Slicers.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you’re returning for the upcoming March Challenge, we’d love to have you join the Welcome Wagon to help us make first-time Slicers feel at home in your writing community. Click here for more information.

A quote about sacred writing time:


75 thoughts on “Time for SOL Tuesday

  1. Hi. I am thinking of participating in the SOL challenge. I have taught a third grade writer’s circle for six years. I am a non-formal educator. Primarily, I have two questions. 1) Do you have to be a classroom teacher to participate? and 2) How should I name my blog? Just my given name or something more creative? I would appreciate knowing the answers to these questions. Thanks!


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