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Enticing Kids to Revise, Revise, Revise

“I’m done!”

“I like it just the way it is.”

“I tried that already.”

“Meh. No thanks.”

Ever heard kids saying these things when asked about revising? One of the biggest challenges you might face in writing workshop is this: getting kids to see the power and purpose of revision.

Here are a few tips for helping kids understand how important and rewarding revision can be, organized by writing process phases. Click on the image for a larger view.





PS Stay tuned for a future post on revision when using digital devices… In the meantime, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

8 thoughts on “Enticing Kids to Revise, Revise, Revise

  1. I once had a very wise teacher friend tell me that young writers often revise over drafts, rather than on a single draft. I have taken this knowledge and try to notice what my students need, talk with them about it, and ask them to try it on their next writing piece.

    I notice that my students revise when they take a draft that is written and type it into a blog post. Blogging helps motivate them to make the writing better.


  2. I too am a little in awe of the Piktochart and plan to check it out later
    Love the idea of the photocopy and use a different pen. So simple, so easy but makes complete sense! Thanks for this post!


  3. Thanks, Beth!
    I’m finding that teachers who ARE writers get that revision is hard, messy, complicated and quite frankly sometimes HURTS! It’s not easy! But the more we all write and talk about our processes, the more that we know about how to help our students grow as writers AND revisers! ❤


  4. I learned so much myself this summer about revision and how it consumes the bulk of m writing time and energy and I am hoping that sharing some of my own struggles with digging deep to push myself to revise will help. I think that feedback and encouragement from a trusted writing partner are critical and hope to focus more, early, on building those partnerships and teaching writers how to support one another well. Love the idea that they may be more willing to revise/cut apart and otherwise tinker with photocopies. Can’t wait to try it. And you’ve got me interested in Piktochart. Your visuals are incredible.


  5. This is incredible Beth! You are the Queen of Piktochart and have inspired me to try to learn it again. This visual is so helpful. I think many young writers truly don’t understand that the first thing you write isn’t your published draft! Starting from something meaningful and knowing you will have an audience is so critical. Amazing post!


    1. These tips and the graphic are extraordinarily helpful for teaching and understanding the harder parts of the writing process! Thank you for the positive approach.


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