slice of life · Slice of Life Story Challenge · SOLSC

Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge #TWTBlog

It’s Tuesday. It’s summer. It’s time to join us.


Please write your Slice, share your link in the comments below, and give at least three comments to other Slicers.

81 thoughts on “Tuesday Slice of Life Story Challenge #TWTBlog

  1. Ok, why can’t I leave comments today? I tried 4 times on Linda Baie’s blog, and 3 other people’s blogs (jarhartz, Kathleen, and SallyDonnelly11) and the screen just goes back to the original posts, like I didn’t do anything at all. No “awaiting moderation” or anything. Hmm…


    1. Welcome to our online writing community! I’m glad you joined us today.

      I tried to leave a comment in three different ways (logging in with Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus) on your blog, but each login attempt failed. Thought I’d let you know since others might have a similar problem when they try to leave you a comment.

      Each word in your poem was stunningly selected. You perfectly captured nature’s “good morning.”


    1. I laughed, laughed, and laughed while reading your blog. It was well-written in a way that allowed me to visibly see the moments unfolding as you described them.

      At this point, I have a bite on my ankle from last week. Mosquitos have been awful in DFW metroplex. Yes, they can stop time and stop a conversation mid-sentence while the swatting occurs for minutes.


    1. I can relate to you wholeheartedly, Tricia!

      I spent the first month month out of teaching summer school, and I enjoyed it immensely. July is now catch up month – I started penning content for a book, designing my website, sending out proposals for upcoming conferences, following through on lunch commitments with friends, and preparing a trip to Arkansas to visit family and more friends.

      Like yourself, I am feel overwhelm at the mere fact of trying to get everything done before returning to work within the next couple of weeks.

      For certain, you have been shining your light as an educator. You have been a part of numerous educational programs, workshops, and conferences. While you feel overwhelm, your great work will reap GREAT rewards for your students!


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