slice of life · Slice of Life Story Challenge

It’s Tuesday! Write your Slice. Share your Link. Give your Comments.

 When asked, ‘How do you write?’ I invariably answer, ‘one word at a time.’

– Stephen King

It is often said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So too, a story begins with a single word. Today, don’t wait to begin.

Please write your Slice of Life Story, share your link, and give at least 3 comments to other Slicers by clicking on their links below.

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63 thoughts on “It’s Tuesday! Write your Slice. Share your Link. Give your Comments.

  1. Periods are generally portrayed as something traumatic, embarrassing, offensive, gross and/or for cheap comedic premenstrual syndrome (PMS) makes us evil laughs. Outside of the rare portrayals of menarche, when a girl experiences her first period, there are very few portrayals of the completely natural act of female nature that it is.

    Power in the Blood


    1. I especially enjoyed the tooth fairy story by Lisa Thompson. I remember a similar event here. My daughter just had her wisdom teeth pulled and wanted to put them under her pillow. I told her it expired at age 18 :).


  2. So, this is not the traditional SOLS post, but these brave teachers have been writing with me all summer long, and would LOVE to get some SOLSC love from our wonderful community. For many of these brave writers, this is the first time they have ever shared their writing with ANYBODY! Please visit and leave a comment or two! (Not a permalink, because the whole site consists of slices!)


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