olw · Slice of Life Story Challenge

July SOLSC #3 & OLW Check-In

WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers. If you're leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters' slices.
Please share the link to your slice of life story. Remember to leave comments for (at least three) other Slicers. NOTE: If you’re leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters’ slices.

We’re a little more than halfway through 2013.  (Can you believe it!??!)

On January 1st, many of you shared the words you were going to live by this year.  Therefore, since we’re halfway to 2014, I thought it might be a good time to encourage folks to take stock of how 2013 was going based on the one little word they picked to live by.

Even if you have a slice of life story planned and ready to share, I hope you’ll take some time to reflect on the word you choose either in your head or in writing.  If you choose to write about how it’s going with your one little word later this week, then I hope you’ll come back and link up that writing to this post too.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

64 thoughts on “July SOLSC #3 & OLW Check-In

  1. The Vault

    Not a post about my word but I think it can relate. My word is Balance: balance to be a mom, teacher, wife, sister, friend, housekeeper, cook, and in this post…the best auntie I can manage to be, even in the face of the Vault.


  2. My word – patience. I have learned a lot about patience as I have become a Mom. I can have the hardest day ever, and nothing is going right, and I don’t know how to calm my baby down (which is what my slice is about) and I have to tell myself to have patience because things will get better. This is just a phase. He doesn’t know any better. I have to teach him. Patience.

    Terrible Two’s at 13 months?


  3. I didn’t pick and OWL back in January, but reflecting on the past seven months, I’d have to say “habit” pretty well describes positive changes I’ve made in my life, especially my writing life. Today’s slice was inspired by my observations of my surroundings during my daily walk. What do children and ripe blackberries have in common? Read to find out!


  4. My OWL is Change – and my life has and is changing as I retire from the classroom and begin my “encore” career – what ever that may be! Write will be a part of that for sure. For the summer I have been changing my posts from classroom reflections to book reviews and how they might be used in the classroom. Again a change of action 🙂

    Here is to Blue Balliett and her 2013 release HOLD FAST

    Hold Fast


    1. Stacey, thanks for trying to comment on my blog last week. I am sorry you had trouble…but I am not smart enough yet to figure out why! Still trying to get all this going.


  5. What a great idea to revisit intentions from the beginning of the year! My word for the year is simplify. I try to keep it in mind in whatever I’m doing…not always easy. Balance has been a big word for me too but I focus on simplify to help me find balance. 🙂 I’ll tuck away this topic for another SOL!

    Today I reflected on my experience at nErDcamp last week:

    The One Where nErDcamp Rocks!



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