Slice of Life Story Challenge

Slicers at Work

WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers.If you're leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters' slices.
WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers.
If you’re leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters’ slices.

We are all writers at work, aren’t we?  When I saw LeAnn Carptenter’s poem, “Writers at Work,” midway through the March Challenge, it resonated with me.   Click here to read the back story of the poem.

Thank you LeAnn (otherwise known as Elsie) for allowing me to share your poem again today.

Writers at Work

Heads bend

Pencils move

Brains think

Eyes read

Papers rustle

Music calms

Minds engage

Brows furrow

Pages turn

Writers create

–LeAnn Carpenter

83 thoughts on “Slicers at Work

  1. I couldn’t seem to write about anything other than the terror in Boston. However, my take on it is a little different. It’s rare that I tell my friends what to do, but yesterday I gave some advice to my friend, a Bostonian, who is the mom to a week-old baby. I think the advice is worthy of being shared with other new moms who are transfixed on the horrific events of yesterday afternoon… so I wrote about it.

    My Advice to New Moms in the Wake of the Terror in Boston.


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