Slice of Life Story Challenge

Welcome Back. #slice2013

WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers.If you're leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters' slices.
WRITE your slice. SHARE your link. GIVE some comments to (at least three) other slicers.
If you’re leaving your comment early in the day, please consider returning this evening or tomorrow to read some of our evening posters’ slices.

Welcome back to the weekly challenge.  After a day off, how great it is to be back as a writing community?

Last month, Cathy Mere wrote a poem entitled “The Writer” that resonated with me.  She has graciously allowed me to republish it here.  I hope you will find it as inspiring as I continue to find it.

The Writer

The writer
people who shaped her life
moments from long ago
lessons learned
along the way.The writer
artifacts of her world
leaving a trail
to help her to find
meaning.The writer

snippets of conversation at a nearby table
the gentle sound of the night
the bird chorus at sunrise.
The writer
the moon resting on the tree’s long arms
the heron waiting to pounce
the rain bouncing off pavement.
The writer
lines that take her breath away
words that jump from the page
phrases of language.
The writer
takes in the world
all the stories
all the sounds
all the words
and breathes new life
in the ordinary.
The writer

to make us notice
if only for a second
all that is before us.

The writer
holds the stories tightly
shaping them with her heart,
until the page speaks,
the story unfolds,
the world is changed.

Cathy L. Mere

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