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Are we having fun yet?

Slicing is supposed to be fun. Sure it’s a challenge. Not just the challenge of writing every single day for a month, but also the challenge of the technology. Unique URL? Commenting? Where do I link? If I miss a day can I still share my link? There are questions that abound. Most of these questions aren’t about the writing. They are about the logistics of the challenge.

But the writing is good, fun even. This is the nature of writing. And the feedback on our writing? Now who isn’t loving that? If you’ve been writing and haven’t gotten any feedback, let us know when you share your next slice. (And double check that your link is working!)

The techy-stuff can be frustrating. But this is good for us too. It’s good to experience things that aren’t so smooth. Kids face this all of the time. I’ve helped many people join the blog-sphere this month. I sit beside them and walk them through posting and linking and commenting. Then I check back in a couple of days. We go through things again.

I’m reminded how even though blogging is something I could probably do in my sleep, it isn’t the easiest thing when just starting out.  This is how many students feel when facing the blank page. We might think it’s easy to write a story or a friendly letter or an essay. But, in reality, it’s a little difficult to wade into new writing territories. (Right slicers? Feel free to comment about this!) It’s not always about the writing either, but about other things…wanting to get it right.

Take some time to consider how your experiences with this challenge reflect some of the experiences of your students. Take some time to breathe and remember writing is fun.

And if you still feel like you’re stumbling over the technology or the nitty-gritty aspects of the Slice challenge, please please please send me an email or leave a comment to this post. Honestly, cross-my-heart, I’m happy to help.

Speaking of comments…Wow, just wow! I know when I first started blogging I was shy about leaving comments. It wasn’t until I began receiving comments that I realized how they fueled my writing life. So here are some easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy (as my second grade daughter would say) no-pressure ways to leave comments:

  1. Share a connection you have to the slice.
  2. Tell the writer a favorite line (or even a favorite word) from the slice.
  3. Tell how you feel after reading the slice
  4. Encourage. Recently Mary Lee Hahn left a two-word comment on my “Test Prep” post. It stuck with me. The comment?

*fist bump*

Comments don’t have to be long. Just leave a trail for the writer so they know you were there and read their words.

19 thoughts on “Are we having fun yet?

  1. It is fun! I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and I have never known what to write about. The sweet encouragements that people leave, and the inspiration of reading other blogs leaves me enjoying the process of choosing a topic each day. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


  2. Agree with the one week in and I am hooked! I spend all day today teaching wondering what moment or thought will I take forward into my blog tonight. I am excited about the time (usually about 9:30 pm) I curl up with my lap top, under covers with lots of pillows and begin to write the next post. The fun of writing- thanks!


  3. Yes, I love what MaryHelen said (and I had a great great aunt named MaryHelen and EVERYBODY in the world loved her). Plus also, I am now at the point where I wake up thinking of what I’ll blog about. One week in, and I’m hooked.


  4. I have to say that writing this month has been therapeutic for me. Your post tonight is very timely too. One of my student’s parents wrote an apology to me about her son’s Slice entry. He had written about how he didn’t want to write. I did not have a problem with his entry because I know how he feels sometimes. I am hoping that this challenge will show him that writing is fun and he will get hooked. Thanks for the challenge!


  5. I’m one of the lucky ones to have you patiently sit beside me and tenderly, gently encourage me along the way! You’re the best, Ruth! And I love, love, love, “easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!” I will share that one with my kindergarteners!


  6. I know what you mean about comments….they really do fuel you as a writer. I found that when I did the Tuesday SOL, I received more comments. I know it’s because Tuesday only comes once a week, but I need to remind myself to take the time to read more slices, comment on more, and encourage other slicers, just like I would like to be encouraged! Thanks for sharing this post!

    Oh, and I’ve had techy issues that have been tough to deal with. 😉


  7. Always fun, & amazing what I am reading these days, Ruth, & everyone. I came upon a blog ( that said she was really struggling with the comments going through to blogger. Remember our struggle of a few weeks ago? What blogger people (with blogspot addresses) need to do is click on “design” on the top toolbar, then click on “settings” then “comments”. Finally they need to click on “anyone” at the question “who can comment”. That should clear the problem up. When Stacey couldn’t get through to me, I just did this & she came through. Hope this helps!


  8. I really like the suggestions on how to approach comments. They are great. I would like to borrow those ideas and make a poster for the library. When students share their work to get ideas on how to comment. Thank you


  9. Loving this challenge. Hardest thing for me… my laundry, house and (yikes) my husband are getting neglecting while I read and write posts. 🙂 There are some blogs I wish I could post on, but they don’t offer a name/url option for leaving a comment. I try to find an email address to email the comment, but sometimes I can’t find those either.


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