Slice of Life Story Challenge

Slice 2012: 1 of 31

Slice of Life Challenge 2012. Please share the unique URL to your daily slice in the comments of this post. Feel free to grab this button and use it on your blog. Happy slicing.

Just a heads-up: If this is the first time you are joining SOLSC, and you’ve never commented before, we will have to moderate your comment. Stacey and I will be checking throughout the day in order to get your links up for the community as soon as possible. As long as you use the same username/email to log in, your comments will appear instantly in the future.

The Nitty Gritty:

  1. Please (pleasepleasepleaseplease) use the SAME email/username information on all of your March entries. This is essential to make tracking your number of slices a little more manageable.
  2. We’ll close comments for the previous day’s slice the next morning. As long as you get your slice linked on each daily slice post, you are in the running for prizes. Further information will come later in the month regarding prizes.
  3. Any questions, please use the online form to send Stacey an email, or email or tweet me.

Useful Links:

Nuts and Bolts (General information)

Prize Information (Wow!)

31 Slices (Ideas for topics)

Classroom Resources and SOLS Booklet + Chart

More Buttons (red, green, yellow, blue-purple, grey)

197 thoughts on “Slice 2012: 1 of 31

  1. I teach 7th grade ELA and I’ve offered this challenge to students as well. Today we were in the computer lab, so most of them completed a post. I told them they might have comments from other people. There are SEVERAL slicers here, so don’t feel obligated to comment on tons of student posts.

    Just an FYI – I had 2 of my girls who completed the entire challenge last year, dust of their blogs and join in again as 8th graders! That was a happy moment for me indeed!


  2. This will be a second year for me! And I’ve kept up pretty well with the Tuesday SOLs, and added the Poetry Friday and the A to Z challenges to my list of “how to make sure I keep writing” strategies. This has been a fun trip! Thanks so much for hosting this. I love the community that has developed. But now for the challenge at hand!
    It wasn’t what I’d planned, but then I guess it’s more of a slice of life than a planned one?? I’m looking forward to getting my coffee and settling in on this snowy day to read some great posts!


    1. @shaggerspicchu: Please leave a second comment with your unique URL. We’ll need unique URLs to verify that you wrote for prize purposes AND your fellow slicers will need a unique URL to follow so they can read and comment on your posts. Thanks!


    1. Hi Wanda – Glad to see you’re slicing again. Yea for snow days. (Though I hear it’s pretty bad up in your parts today.) Anyway, please repost your slice with your unique URL so it’s easier for people to find it and comment on it. Thanks.


    1. HI Catie:
      I received your e-mail. It looks like your comment got thrown into our Spam folder. Hopefully that won’t happen again now that I’ve approved your comment. If it does, know that one of us will retrieve it out later in the day.


    1. @Paul: Please leave a second comment with your unique URL. We’ll need unique URLs to verify that you wrote for prize purposes AND your fellow slicers will need a unique URL to follow so they can read and comment on your posts. Thanks!


    1. @Christina: Kindly leave another comment with your unique URL. We’ll need unique URLs to verify that you wrote for prize purposes AND your fellow slicers will need a unique URL to follow so they can read and comment on your posts. Thanks!


  3. I didn’t intend on staying up for the clock to strike midnight, but here I am. It’s hard to believe what started as a tiny group of people in 2008 has turned into something larger. I’m looking forward to reuniting with long-time Slicers this month and learning more about those of you who are doing this for the first time.
    During the first SOLSC, I was newly married. Now my husband and I have a child. She promises to be the focus on my Slicing this month. So, without further ado, my first slice:

    Choosing the Kid


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