Slice of Life Story Challenge

SOLSC. 2011. 4 of 31

Way to find your voice: write and write and write and write. It will eventually surface and when it does, you’ll know it.

Sharon Creech via Twitter (@ciaobellacreech) 03 March 2011

Slice of Life Challenge 2011. Please share your unique URL to your daily slice in the comments of this post. Feel free to grab this button and use it to your blog. Happy Slicing.

How do I share my students’ Slices?

What do I need to know about participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge 2011?

Need to know how to start a blog?

What’s a Slice?

Cool NewsStenhouse is offering free shipping to Slicers throughout the month of March. Just enter the code SOL.

And here is one of the giveaways for the end of the month. This weekend I’ll be compiling a list & then I’ll start highlighting them for the rest of the month.

A coffee mug with TWT logo. Happy writing!


80 thoughts on “SOLSC. 2011. 4 of 31

  1. I need some help. I have tried to figure it out, but no success yet. I can’t make the comments I make to some WordPress blogs appear. I comment, then it goes away, but never appears. Any thoughts? And thanks.


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