friday poetry · poetry

POETRY FRIDAY: The Aspiring Poet’s Journal – Day 1

"Under the Covers"

Ruth picked up an extra copy of
The Aspiring Poet’s Journal
by Bernard Friot, in the NCTE Exhibit Hall, before I arrived in San Antonio last Friday. I rifled through it quickly last week and liked what I saw. However, I didn’t really have a close look at it until now… and I really like what I see. I decided to have-a-go with the charge Friot gives on Day 1 (There are 365 “prompts” to get kids writing poetry.), which is to craft a poem that includes the words
write, first, poem, and year. As an extra nudge, Friot suggests writing a list poem that starts with one of three phrases. I figured I’d try one of the phrases as the start for my poem. I reflected on where I’ve come in the past year (i.e., from last Thanksgiving to this one). Here goes:

In One Year

In one year I’ve become a New Englander, appreciating the beauty of fall and the allure of the beaches in summertime.

In one year I’ve grown comfortable being in my 30’s, even if I still pluck out the occasional gray hairs that sprout.

In one year I’ve documented the first time I did many things with my husband who I wed in December 2007.

In one year I’ve decided write more words alongside the photographs I take so specific memories don’t fade away with time.

In one year I’ve traveled to new places like Puerto Vallarta, El Yunque, Tortola, and Texas.

In one year I’ve become less afraid to share the original poems I write online.

In one year I’ve grown stronger because of my determination.

In one year I’ve stayed a New Yorker, even though I don’t reside there that will always be my home.

A photo of me taken two days after Thanksgiving in 2007.
A photo of me taken two days after Thanksgiving in 2007.

Thanksgiving 2008
Thanksgiving 2008

6 thoughts on “POETRY FRIDAY: The Aspiring Poet’s Journal – Day 1

  1. I like how you have drawn out all the movement and courageous growth of your year. Here’s to an even more amazing next year! Thanks for the photos too- I feel I know you a little better now.


  2. Hey! What fun! Another book on my to buy list! I’m still in Write beside them!

    First signs of holidays slip in as trick or treaters dump
    pillowcases of candy
    On bedroom floors.
    WOCN plays only Rudolph, and Silver Bells.
    In Taylors, South Carolina, Dawn signs
    Holiday cards. She writes each friend a special note.
    She always folds a recent poem into my card.
    Hers will arrive tomorrow, I’m sure.
    As usual, my cards will probably be sent next year!


  3. Wow, when I stop to think about it, a year ago seems so long ago! Your poem inspires me to look back and reflect myself.

    I’m glad you’ve become less afraid to share your original poems online. I’m working on that, too!


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