friday poetry · poetry

We’re Hosting Poetry Friday Today!

Welcome! Please link the poem you post to this one by clicking on the Image Linky at the bottom of this post. (To ensure that we capture your Poetry Friday Submission, please leave a comment since we’ve had some trouble with Mr. Linky in recent weeks.)

Now on to the poetry!

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I went down to Point Judith, which is on the coast here in Rhode Island, and breathed in the sea air in the final moments of summer. Ahhh! Now, it’s autumn and the leaves are turning. Hence, I’m trying to take in all of the beauty this wonderful season in New England offers both by the sea and in the mountains. Here’s a poem from A New England Scrapbook: A Journey Through Poetry, Prose, and Pictures, which is a lovely collection of poems (and prose and pictures) about life in New England. Here’s one of my favorites:

The Sea
Behold the wonders of the mighty deep
where crabs and lobsters learn to creep


Scarborough State Beach, Rhode Island
Scarborough State Beach, Rhode Island

I hope you’ll consider posting a poem about the change of seasons in your part of the world this week. (Though all Poetry Friday Submissions are welcome!!!)

Finally, check back late tonight for the round-up.

Edited (6:27 a.m.): Before you post your poem, read this post on copyrights with regard to Poetry Friday.

32 thoughts on “We’re Hosting Poetry Friday Today!

  1. Thanks for hosting! This week for Poetry Friday I posted Eleven Things to Think About Before Sitting Down to Write a Poem – basically, it’s the list of quotations (words of wisdom from other writers or artists) which I hand out to my graduate students as the semester begins, in order to tell them (via people more articulate than me) where I’m coming from as a writer. It’s not as dry/dusty as it sounds. See if some of them strike a chord.


  2. Today the Write Sisters remember memorizing poetry as a common classroom activity. We share one of the poems we memorized in the third grade: October’s Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson.

    Thanks for hosting!


  3. Thanks for rounding up, Stacey and Ruth!

    I have a Roald Dahl poem/Oompa Loompa song from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” for banned books week. I didn’t see the encouragement about a change of season poem until I’d written my post — because we live on a farm, I often have seasonal choices, but this week of course perversely had to pick something else!


  4. Thanks for hosting this week. I’m in with a note about the Cybils and my list-in-progress of all the poetry published for young people this year. Input welcomed!


  5. Lovely photo and poem. Thanks for sharing your corner of the world as it changes. I have a new blog focusing on copyright. Today I’m talking about copyright and Friday Poetry postings. Hope everyone will add their 2 cents to the discussion!


  6. Thanks for hosting!

    I’m blogging about the Dodge Poetry Festival’s Poetry Sampler, with lines from Jane Hirshfield, Linda Pastan, and an audio clip of Ted Kooser reading, “Pearl.”


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