idea notebooks · slice of life · writer's notebook · writing workshop

They’re Going to Have Gifts To Open…

These are the Moleskine Notebooks that I’m giving my students during the first week of school to use for on-the-go writing, Slice of Life Stories, ephemera, and much more.


Just like last year, I’ll provide the kids with stickers to decorate the front (and back) cover of their notebooks. Additionally, I’ll invite them to bring-in photos, as per their parents’ permission, to cut up and glue to the front of their notebooks.

12 thoughts on “They’re Going to Have Gifts To Open…

  1. What a fabulous gift and way to start school! I heard that Moleskiine will have new colors this year…just in time for the holidays!
    What a great idea and as a journaling advocate, i KNOW this works.

    Happy writing!
    Diana Raab


  2. I unfortunatly did not get a teaching job for the fall but I am going to buy and wrap mini notebooks for the ladies in my writing group to inspire them to keep writing.


  3. Two more answers:

    TRZ: Their on-the-go, at-home writing will go in the Moleskines and their in-class work will go in their 5-subject WNs.

    LJ: I received a grant for the Moleskines (3/pack) last year. Definitely not something I can fund myself. However, thanks to DonorsChoose, I didn’t have to!


  4. Thanks Stacey!

    So your kids will only use the idea notebooks for their own writing? Notes from mini-lessons, etc will not go in the moleskines?


  5. I have a couple of questions…are these the 5×7 moleskins, the full size ones with the pocket in back, or are the the smaller ones that come 3 to a pack? Did you get a grant to purchase them, or did you buy them yourself? I love moleskines, and think they would be great for kids but they are sooo expensive!


  6. I’ll go from bottom-to-top with responses:

    #1. DEB: The notebooks are Moleskine. The black covers are heavy-duty black card stock. The covers last a-okay since the kids usually keep them in their literacy baggies, which are essentially clearview pouches.
    As of now, I don’t have strategies on the inside front cover since I don’t want the kids to miss those. I will be handing out strategies to them after they decorate them so they know what to do w/the notebooks when they get home. SAS

    #2. TRZ: There are charts you can use for their notebooks. Just go to our Presentations Page and download the “Idea Notebooks” Presentation for suggestions. SAS

    #3. MM: Thanks for your kind words! SAS


  7. I am doing Writer’s Notebooks for the second year. I LOVE the idea of giving the students the books as a GIFT and wrapping the books! Last year, I just glued a white cover for them to draw whatever they wanted to, but then it tore off and got kind of junky looking later. I like the looks of yours! What did you use to cover the book? Did you put strategies on the front inside cover? Or an explanation of what it is? Did your cover last long? Or is it just black construction paper?
    Deb Phillips
    4th Grade Teacher
    Oceanside, CA


  8. Hmm…I am considering calling my students’ writer’s notebooks idea notebooks this year, and then having a section in their Language Arts binder for note, etc. Or, maybe I will have them flip the books and work from the back for notes.

    With the idea notebooks, will you have them copy charts, etc into them notebooks? Or will those notes go somewhere else?


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