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I just got off of the phone with Ruth, with whom I shared the great news. Our conversation session proposal, “INSPIRING CHILDREN TO WRITE: TEACHING WRITING WORKSHOP WITH OUR NOTEBOOKS WIDE OPEN” was accepted for the 2008 NCTE Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas. My speech title is “Teaching With My Notebook Wide-Open,” while Ruth’s speech title is “Inspiring Writers.” The level of interest is marked as “general,” since our talk will span the grade levels.

So, if you’re at NCTE this November, then we hope you’ll join us. We’re session F.13 on Saturday Morning.


  1. Congratulations! This is exciting news! I know you 2 will do an excellent job. I don’t know if I’ll be going to NCTE this year, but if I do I will definately stop in.


  2. Thanks Stacie! So kind of you. Maybe the DOE will pay for some prof. dev. by letting you attend the conference. Doesn’t hurt to ask. Should be a good time, oh, I mean an educational experience. (Well, BOTH!)


  3. Congratulations! This is so excellent. How lucky for all the folks who will get to participate with the two of you. I wonder fi there’s a way I could get to San Antonio in the fall …


  4. Congrats! That’s very exciting. I made it to NY last year (from SC) and hope to get to this year’s convention but with a couple of possible presentations as well (Writing Improvement Network and SC IRA Conferences) I don’t know how many Professional Development days I’ll be allowed. If I do make it I will surely come listen in. As an advocate for WW (as well as a fan of Calkins’ model of instruction), I enjoy your website very much. I teach 3rd grade so it is fun to see what your kids are doing with the the genre studies.

    Oh, and my proposals were The Gift of Gab: The Importance of Talk in the Writer’s Workshop and Paying It Forward: Creating Change Beyond Your Classroom Walls.


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